23× | Physical Review B |
1× | New Journal of Physics |
21× | Physical Review E |
1× | Physica E |
7× | Physical Review Letters |
1× | Reviews of Modern Physics |
4× | EPL (Europhysics Letters) |
1× | SciPost Physics |
4× | Physical Review Research |
1× | The European Physical Journal B
2× | Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A |
1× | The European Physical Journal Special Topics |
1× | Computer Physics Communications |
1× | book chapter |
1× | Mathematical Physics, Analysis, and Geometry |
3× | arXiv |
since 2014
(73.) M. Kraft, M. Kempa, J. Wang, S. Nandy, R. Steinigeweg
Scaling of diffusion constants in perturbed easy-axis Heisenberg spin chains
Preprint cond-mat/2410.22586
(72.) M. Kraft, M. Kempa, J. Wang, R. Steinigeweg
Lindblad quantum dynamics from correlation functions of classical spin chains
Physical Review B, accepted
Preprint cond-mat/2406.12396
(71.) J. Wang, J. (Jonas) Richter, M. H. Lamann, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer, A. Dymarsky
Emergence of unitary symmetry of microcanonically truncated operators in chaotic quantum systems
Physical Review E (Letters), 110 (3), L032203 (2024)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2310.20264
(70.) J. Wang, M. H. Lamann, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Diffusion constants from the recursion method
Physical Review B, 110 (10), 104413 (2024)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2312.02656
(69.) M. Kraft, J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, S. Nandy, J. Herbrych, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Lindblad dynamics from spatio-temporal correlation functions in nonintegrable spin-1/2 chains with different boundary conditions
Physical Review Research, 6 (2), 023251 (2024)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2402.18177
(68.) C. Bartsch, A. Dymarsky, M. H. Lamann, J. Wang, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Estimation of equilibration time scales from nested fraction approximations
Physical Review E, 110 (2), 024126 (2024)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2308.12822
(67.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, S. Nandy, Z. Lenarčič, J. Herbrych, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Spin-1/2 XXZ chain coupled to two Lindblad baths: Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
Physical Review B (Letters), 108 (20), L201119 (2023)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2303.00430
(66.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, J. Herbrych, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Real-time broadening of bath-induced density profiles from closed-system correlation functions
Physical Review E, 108 (2), 024102 (2023)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2210.10528
(65.) M. Daumann, R. Steinigeweg, T. Dahm
Many-body localization in translationally invariant diamond ladders with flat bands
Physical Review B, 108 (4), 045129 (2023)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2009.09705
(64.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt, R. Steinigeweg
Spatiotemporal dynamics of classical and quantum density profiles in low-dimensional spin systems
Physical Review Research, 4 (4), 043147 (2022)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2207.02061
(63.) J. Wang, M. H. Lamann, J. (Jonas) Richter, R. Steinigeweg, A. Dymarsky, J. Gemmer
Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and its deviations from random-matrix theory beyond the thermalization time
Physical Review Letters, 128 (18), 180601 (2022)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2110.04085
(62.) R. Heveling, J. Wang, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Integral fluctuation theorem and generalized Clausius inequality for microcanonical and pure states
Physical Review E, 125 (6), 064112 (2022)
Published version
(61.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics
Physical Review E, 104 (5), 054145 (2021)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2103.06646
(60.) D. Schubert, J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt, R. Steinigeweg
Quantum versus classical dynamics in spin models: Chains, ladders, and square lattices
Physical Review B, 104 (5), 054415 (2021)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2104.00472
(59.) B. Bertini, F. Heidrich-Meisner, C. Karrasch, T. Prosen, R. Steinigeweg, M. Žnidarič
Finite-temperature transport in one-dimensional quantum lattice models
Reviews of Modern Physics, 93 (2), 025003 (2021)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2003.03334
(58.) J. (Jonas) Richter, A. Dymarsky, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis beyond standard indicators: Emergence of random-matrix behavior at small frequencies
Physical Review E, 102 (4), 042127 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2007.15070
(57.) J. (Jonas) Richter, T. Heitmann, R. Steinigeweg
Quantum quench dynamics in the transverse-field Ising model: A numerical expansion in linked rectangular clusters
SciPost Physics, 9 (3), 031 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2005.03104
(56.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, T. Dahm, R. Steinigeweg
Density dynamics in the mass-imbalanced Hubbard chain
Physical Review B, 102 (4), 045137 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2004.13604
(55.) J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, L. Knipschild, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Exponential damping induced by random and realistic perturbations
Physical Review E, 101 (6), 062133 (2020)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1906.09268
(54.) J. Schnack, J. (Johannes) Richter, T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, R. Steinigeweg
Finite-size scaling for typicality-based estimates
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 75 (5), 465 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2002.00411
(53.) T. Heitmann, J. (Jonas) Richter, D. Schubert, R. Steinigeweg
Selected applications of typicality to real-time dynamics of quantum many-body systems
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 75 (5), 421 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2001.05289
(52.) J. (Jonas) Richter, D. Schubert, R. Steinigeweg
Decay of spin-spin correlations in disordered quantum and classical spin chains
Physical Review Research, 2 (1), 013130 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1911.09917
(51.) J. Schnack, J. (Johannes) Richter, R. Steinigeweg
Accuracy of the finite-temperature Lanczos method compared to simple typicality-based estimates
Physical Review Research, 2 (1), 013186 (2020)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1911.08838
(50.) P. Reimann, B. N. Balz, J. (Jonas) Richter, R. Steinigeweg
Temporal relaxation of gapped many-body quantum systems
Physical Review B, 101 (9), 094302 (2020)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/2002.08137
(49.) J. (Jonas) Richter, N. Casper, W. Brenig, R. Steinigeweg
Magnetization dynamics in clean and disordered spin-1 XXZ chains
Physical Review B, 100 (14), 144423 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1907.03004
(48.) J. (Jonas) Richter, M. H. Lamann, C. Bartsch, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Relaxation of dynamically prepared out-of-equilibrium initial states within and beyond linear response theory
Physical Review E, 100 (3), 032124 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1905.03292
(47.) J. (Jonas) Richter, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Physical Review E (Rapid Communications), 99 (5), 050104 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1805.11625
(46.) J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, L. Knipschild, J. Herbrych, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Magnetization and energy dynamics in spin ladders: Evidence of diffusion in time, frequency, position, and momentum
Physical Review B, 99 (14), 144422 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1811.02806
(45.) J. (Jonas) Richter, R. Steinigeweg
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Physical Review B, 99 (9), 094419 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1901.02909
(44.) J. (Jonas) Richter, R. Steinigeweg
Relation between far-from-equilibrium dynamics and equilibrium correlation functions for binary operators
Physical Review E, 99 (1), 012114 (2019)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1711.00672
(43.) B. N. Balz, J. (Jonas) Richter, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg, P. Reimann
Dynamical typicality for initial states with a preset measurement statistics of several commuting observables
in: Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime
Fundamental Theories of Physics, 195 (Springer, 2019)
Editors: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, G. Adesso
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1904.03105
(42.) J. (Jonas) Richter, J. Herbrych, R. Steinigeweg
Sudden removal of a static force in a disordered system: Induced dynamics, thermalization, and transport
Physical Review B, 98 (13), 134302 (2018)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1808.00497
(41.) D. Schmidtke, L. Knipschild, M. Campisi, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Stiffness of probability distributions of work and Jarzynski relation for non-Gibbsian initial states
Physical Review E, 98 (1), 012123 (2018)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1710.10871
(40.) J. (Jonas) Richter, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Real-time dynamics of typical and untypical states in non-integrable systems
Physical Review B, 97 (17), 174430 (2018)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1801.07031
(39.) J. Gemmer, L. Knipschild, R. Steinigeweg
Comment on: "Fluctuation theorem for many-body pure quantum states"
Preprint cond-mat/1712.02128
(38.) R. Steinigeweg, F. Jin, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer
Charge diffusion in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
Physical Review E (Rapid Communications), 96 (2), 020105 (2017)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1702.00421
(37.) R. Steinigeweg, F. Jin, D. Schmidtke, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, J. Gemmer
Real-time broadening of non-equilibrium density profiles and the role of the specific initial-state realization
Physical Review B, 95 (3), 035155 (2017)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1610.05778
(36.) D. Schmidtke, R. Steinigeweg, J. Herbrych, J. Gemmer
Interaction-induced weakening of localization in few-particle disordered Heisenberg chains
Physical Review B, 95 (13), 134201 (2017)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1607.05664
(35.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Herbrych, F. Pollmann, W. Brenig
Typicality approach to the optical conductivity in thermal and many-body localized phases
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), 94 (18), 180401 (2016)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1512.08519
(34.) R. Steinigeweg, W. Brenig
Energy dynamics in the Heisenberg-Kitaev spin chain
Physical Review B, 93 (21), 214425 (2016)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1312.4954
(33.) F. Jin, R. Steinigeweg, H. De Raedt, K. Michielsen, M. Campisi, J. Gemmer
Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and quantum Jarzynski relation for pure initial states
Physical Review E, 94 (1), 012125 (2016)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1603.02833
(32.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Herbrych, X. Zotos, W. Brenig
Heat conductivity of the Heisenberg spin-1/2 ladder: From weak to strong breaking of integrability
Physical Review Letters, 116 (1), 017202 (2016)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1503.03871
(31.) F. Jin, R. Steinigeweg, F. Heidrich-Meisner, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt
Finite-temperature charge transport in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
Physical Review B, 92 (20), 205103 (2015)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1508.01304
(30.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer, W. Brenig
Spin and energy currents in integrable and nonintegrable spin-1/2 chains: A typicality approach to real-time autocorrelations
Physical Review B, 91 (10), 104404 (2015)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1408.6837
(29.) A. Khodja, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Relevance of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis for thermal relaxation
Physical Review E, 91 (1), 012120 (2015)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1408.0187
(28.) Y. Rahnavard, R. Steinigeweg, W. Brenig
Hydrodynamic spin fluctuations in the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
Preprint cond-mat/1501.03447
(27.) R. Steinigeweg, F. Heidrich-Meisner, J. Gemmer, K. Michielsen, H. De Raedt
Scaling of diffusion constants in the spin-1/2 XX ladder
Physical Review B, 90 (9), 094417 (2014)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1406.2799
(26.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer, W. Brenig
Spin-current autocorrelations from single pure-state propagation
Physical Review Letters, 112 (12), 120601 (2014)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1312.5319
(25.) R. Steinigeweg, A. Khodja, H. Niemeyer, C. Gogolin, J. Gemmer
Pushing the limits of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis towards mesoscopic quantum systems
Physical Review Letters, 112 (13), 130403 (2014)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1311.0169
(24.) J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg
Entropy increase in K-step Markovian and consistent dynamics of closed quantum systems
Physical Review E, 89 (4), 042113 (2014)
Published version
(21.) J. Herbrych, R. Steinigeweg, P. Prelovšek
Spin hydrodynamics in the S=1/2 anisotropic Heisenberg chain
Physical Review B, 86 (11), 115106 (2012)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1206.4248
(20.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Herbrych, Prelovšek, M. Mierzejewski
Coexistence of anomalous and normal diffusion in integrable Mott insulators
Physical Review B, 85 (21), 214409 (2012)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1201.2844
(19.) R. Steinigeweg
Spin transport in the XXZ model at high temperatures: Classical dynamics versus quantum S=1/2 autocorrelations
Europhysics Letters, 97 (6), 67001 (2012)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1110.6610
(18.) R. Steinigeweg, W. Brenig
Spin transport in the XXZ chain at finite temperature and momentum
Physical Review Letters, 107 (25), 250602 (2011)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1107.3103
(17.) R. Steinigeweg
Decay of currents for strong interactions
Physical Review E, 84 (1), 011136 (2011)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1103.5001
(16.) R. Steinigeweg, S. Langer, F. Heidrich-Meisner, I. P. McCulloch, W. Brenig
Coherent spin-current oscillations in transverse magnetic fields
Physical Review Letters, 106 (16), 160602 (2011)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1010.2351
(15.) R. Steinigeweg, R. Schnalle
Projection operator approach to spin diffusion in the anisotropic Heisenberg chain at high temperatures
Physical Review E (Rapid Communications), 82 (4), 040103 (2010)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1006.4511
(14.) R. Steinigeweg, H. Niemeyer, J. Gemmer
Transport in the 3-dimensional Anderson model: An analysis of the dynamics at scales below the localization length
New Journal of Physics, 12, 113001 (2010)

Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1008.1944
(13.) C. Bartsch, R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Projection operator approach to master equations for coarse-grained occupation numbers in non-ideal quantum gases
Physical Review E, 81 (5), 051115 (2010)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/1004.5364
(12.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Length scale dependent diffusion in the Anderson model at high temperatures
Physica E, 42 (3), 572 (2010)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0904.2677
(11.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer
Density dynamics in translationally invariant spin-1/2 chains at high temperatures: A current-autocorrelation approach to finite time and length scales
Physical Review B, 80 (18), 184402 (2009)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0906.4457
(8.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer, H.-P. Breuer, H.-J. Schmidt
Projection operator approach to transport in complex single-particle quantum systems
European Physical Journal B, 69 (2), 275 (2009)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0903.5427
(5.) M. Michel, R. Steinigeweg, H. Weimer
Correlated projection superoperators in relaxation and transport investigations
European Physical Journal Special Topics, 151, 13 (2007)
Published version
(4.) R. Steinigeweg, H.-P. Breuer, J. Gemmer
Transition from diffusive to ballistic dynamics for a class of finite quantum models
Physical Review Letters, 99 (15), 150601 (2007)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0709.0410
(3.) R. Steinigeweg, J. Gemmer, M. Michel
Normal-transport behavior in finite one-dimensional chaotic quantum systems
Europhysics Letters, 75 (3), 406 (2006)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0606083
(2.) R. Steinigeweg, H.-J. Schmidt
Symplectic integrators for classical spin systems
Computer Physics Communications, 174 (11), 853 (2006)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0507262
(1.) J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg, M. Michel
Limited validity of the Kubo formula for thermal conduction in modular quantum systems
Physical Review B, 73 (10), 104302 (2006)
Published version
Preprint cond-mat/0602042
R. Steinigeweg
Zur Dynamik von klassischen Heisenberg-Systemen: Klassen integrabler Systeme und symplektische Integratoren für nicht integrable Systeme
Diploma thesis, University of Osnabrück (2005)
Adobe Acrobat
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Award: Förderpreis für Physik 2005/2006
M. Kempa
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
MSc thesis (2023)
C. Schröder
Einfluss von Störungen auf das Transportverhalten einer Spin-1/2 Heisenberg-Kette
MSc thesis (2023)
L. Beckemeyer
Konstruktion von Dynamik in offenen Systemen auf der Grundlage von ausgewählten Korrelationsfunktionen
BSc thesis (2023)
T. Heitmann
Quantum dynamics in lattice models of interacting spins and fermions
PhD thesis (2022)
D. Schubert
Classical versus quantum dynamics in interacting spin systems
PhD thesis (2022)
J. (Jonas) Richter
Quantum many-body dynamics of isolated systems close to and far away from equilibrium
PhD thesis (2020)
*** awarded with the Inpijn-Bakker-Grunwald-Preis of the Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück ***
T. Breidenbach
Vergleich numerischer Verfahren zur Lösung der zeitabhängigen Schrödinger-Gleichung
MSc thesis (2020)
S. Meinert
Zerfall der Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit in zufälligen und realistischen Quantensystemen
BSc thesis (2019)
P. Rübeling
Anwendung von Clusterentwicklung auf imaginärzeitliche Observablen
BSc thesis (2019)
T. Breidenbach
Das Niederfrequenzverhalten im eindimensionalen Anderson-Modell
BSc thesis (2017)
T. Dierker
Spindynamik in der klassischen XXZ-Kette unter dem Einfluss von Unordnung
BSc thesis (2017)
(temporary substitution: Physikalische Rechenmethoden I und II, Vielteilchenphysik, Konzepte der theoretischen Physik)
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Conference "Quantum Thermodynamics 2024", Maryland, August 5-9, 2024
Zala Lenarčič, Lev Vidmar, Jürgen Schnack, Robin Steinigeweg
Workshop "Many-body systems out of equilibrium: recent advances and future directions", Slovenia, September 19-23, 2022
P. Reimann, P. Maass, R. Steinigeweg
Workshop "Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in many-body systems", Osnabrück, September 24-26, 2018
since 2014
Seemingly simple but challenging in practice
"44th international conference on strongly correlated systems", Ustron, September 7-12, 2025
Quantum versus classical dynamics in closed and open spin systems
"13th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 15-19, 2024
Lindblad dynamics from spatio-temporal correlation functions in nonintegrable spin-1/2 chains with different boundary conditions
"Lower Saxony meeting on condensed matter theory", Hannover, July 17, 2024
Emergence of unitary symmetry of microcanonically truncated operators in chaotic quantum systems
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, 2024
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, 2024
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions in generic nonintegrable systems
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, 2024
Topological charge pumping in quantum many-body systems at finite temperature
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, 2024
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
"12th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 10-14, 2023
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
QuMat seminar, Utrecht, November 15, 2023
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions
Workshop "Current topics in the nonequilibrium physics of quantum many-body systems", Göttingen, September 25-27, 2023
Arrow of time concept based on properties of Lanczos coefficients
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 26-31, 2023
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
Faculty of Physics, University of Bielefeld, January 12, 2023
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
"11th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 11-15, 2022
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
Department of Physics, University of Osnabrück, December 6, 2022
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
Faculty of Physics, University of Göttingen, November 21, 2022
Exact diagonalization of large isotropic quantum spin rings
Workshop "Many-body systems out of equilibrium: recent advances and future directions", Slovenia, 19.-23. September 2022
Eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and its deviations from random-matrix theory beyond the thermalization time
Workshop "Many-body systems out of equilibrium: recent advances and future directions", Slovenia, 19.-23. September 2022
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics
canceled/rescheduled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, 2022
Quantum versus classical dynamics in spin models: Chains, ladders, and planes
canceled/rescheduled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, 2022
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics
"10th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 12-16, 2021
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics in the Schrödinger picture
(Virtual) PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, June, 2021
Quantum versus classical dynamics in spin models: Chains, ladders, and planes
(Virtual) PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, June, 2021
The eigenstate thermalization hypothesis beyond standard indicators: Emergence of random-matrix behavior at small frequencies
Workshop "Nonequilibrium dynamics and ergodicity of complex quantum systems", online, December 13-17, 2020
Density dynamics in the imbalanced Hubbard model
Virtual network "Quantum Many-Body Systems and Statistical Physics in Condensed Matter Theory", October 14, 2020
Tackling quantum many-body dynamics by typicality, numerical linked cluster expansions, and projection operator techniques
Workshop "Transport and emergence of hydrodynamics in 1d quantum-lattice models", online, July 10, 2020
Density dynamics in the imbalanced Hubbard model
(Virtual) PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, May, 2020
Decay of spin-spin correlations in disordered quantum and classical spin chains
(Virtual) PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, May, 2020
Quantum many-body dynamics in one and two dimensions from numerical linked cluster expansions
(Virtual) PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, May, 2020
Density dynamics in the imbalanced Hubbard model
canceled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 15-20, 2020
Decay of spin-spin correlations in disordered quantum and classical spin chains
canceled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 15-20, 2020
Exponential damping in perturbed quantum many-body systems
canceled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 15-20, 2020
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Workshop "Quantum thermodynamics for young scientists", Bad Honnef, February 2-6, 2020
Tackling quantum many-body dynamics by typicality, numerical linked cluster expansions, and projection operator techniques
Workshop "Nonequilibrium dynamics in correlated systems and quantum materials", Krvavec, December 15-18, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Workshop "Electron correlation in superconductors and nanostructures", Odessa, October 6-10, 2019
Tackling quantum many-body dynamics by typicality, numerical linked cluster expansions, and projection operator techniques
Workshop "Fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics and the emergence of thermodynamics in non-equilibrium systems", Delmenhorst, September 23-26, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, Bielefeld, July 15, 2019
Density dynamics in the imbalanced Hubbard model
PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, Bielefeld, July 15, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Faculty of Physics, University of Göttingen, June 25, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Department of Theoretical Physics, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, May 29, 2019
Dynamics of densities and currents in spin ladders
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 31 - April 5, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Workshop "Quantum dynamics, transport, and exotic orders: Strolling among spins and strong correlations", Dresden, March 28-29, 2019
Dynamics of densities and currents in spin ladders
Spring meeting of the APS, Boston, March 4-8, 2019
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Workshop "Nonequilibrium physics across boundaries", Rehovot, January 20-24, 2019
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Workshop "Nonequilibrium quantum dynamics and relaxation phenomena in many body systems", Krvavec, December 16-19, 2018
Dynamical quantum typicality: Application to Heisenberg spin chains at finite temperatures
Physics Department, University of Bielefeld, October 23, 2018
Dynamical quantum typicality
Research training group GK 1995, Aachen-Jülich, September 24-27, 2018
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Workshop "Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in many-body systems", Osnabrück, September 24-26, 2018
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Physics Department, University of Bielefeld, June 14, 2018
Dynamical quantum typicality: Concept and applications
Collaborative research centre SFB 1242, Duisburg-Essen, June 12, 2018
Dynamics of typical pure states in integrable quantum many-body systems
Workshop "Correlated electron systems in, near, and far from equilibrium", Ljubljana, June 6-8, 2018
Validity of dynamical linear response for arbitrarily strong perturbations
Jo˛ef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, June 5, 2018
Validity of dynamical linear response for arbitrarily strong perturbations
PhD meeting of the research unit FOR 2692, Osnabrück, May 17, 2018
Dynamical quantum typicality
Winter school of the research unit FOR 1807, Marburg, February 19-23, 2018
Spin systems: Ideal models for fundamental questions of statistical physics
Workshop "MolMag", Bielefeld, November 6-8, 2017
Fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics and the emergence of thermodynamics in non-equilibrium systems
Presentation of the research unit FOR 2692, Osnabrück, September 25-26, 2017
Typical and untypical states for non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
Workshop "Korrelationstage 2017", Dresden, September 11-15, 2017
Typical and untypical states for non-equilibrium quantum dynamics
"EMN Meeting on Quantum", Vienna, June 19-21, 2017
Thermalization and diffusion from unitary evolution of typical quantum states
Colloquium Theoretical Physics
Institute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, June 1, 2017
Dynamics of typical pure states in integrable quantum many-body systems
Workshop "Fundamental aspects of statistical physics and thermodynamics", Bielefeld, March 27-30, 2017
Real-time broadening of non-equilibrium density profiles and the role of the specific initial-state realization
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 19-24, 2017
Ensemble dynamics from single pure-state propagation in perturbed Heisenberg chains
Workshop "Low dimensional quantum systems: models and materials", Bad Honnef, October 31 - November 4, 2016
Quantum typicality as numerical approach to real-time relaxation
Workshop "Quantum Dynamics: From Algorithms to Applications", Greifswald, September 5-8, 2016
Spin dynamics in low dimensions: From efficient transport to exotic thermalization and back
Physics Department, University of Osnabrück, June 2, 2016
Real-time dynamics in low-dimensional quantum magnets: Progress by quantum typicality
"EMN Meeting on Quantum", Phuket, April 8-11, 2016
Quantum typicality as numerical approach to real-time relaxation
Workshop "Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime", Malta, February 21-24, 2016
Real-time dynamics in low-dimensional quantum magnets: Progress by quantum typicality
Jo˛ef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, December 1, 2015
Quantum typicality: A novel numerical approach to dynamics and thermalization
Workshop "Korrelationstage 2015", Dresden, September 28 - October 2, 2015
Quantum typicality: A novel numerical approach to dynamics and thermalization
Workshop "Quantum Magnets 2015", Crete, September 13-19, 2015
Quantum typicality: A novel numerical approach to dynamics and thermalization
MPIPKS, Dresden, July 10, 2015
Quantum typicality: A novel numerical approach to dynamics and thermalization
Faculty of Physics, LMU Munich, July 3, 2015
Thermalization: Typicality of a single eigenstate?
CCQCN, Crete, April 13-24, 2015
Real-time relaxation of currents in spin-1/2 chains: Progress by quantum typicality
CCQCN, Crete, April 13-24, 2015
Real-time dynamics of energy currents in perturbed Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, March 15-20, 2015
Impact of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis on the relaxation of significantly off-equilibrium initial states
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, March 15-20, 2015
Real-time relaxation of currents in spin-1/2 chains: Progress by quantum typicality
Faculty of Physics, University of Göttingen, January 20, 2015
Real-time relaxation of currents in spin-1/2 chains: Progress by quantum typicality
Physics Department, University of Bielefeld, December 4, 2014
Real-time relaxation and thermalization in quantum magnets: Progress by quantum typicality
Seminar and workshop "Quantum spin dynamics: From exotic excitations to novel transport and non-equilibrium phenomena", Dresden, September 1-12, 2014
Spin-current autocorrelations from single pure-state propagation
NTH meeting "Nanoprobes for quantum phenomena", Braunschweig, April 9, 2014
Spin-current autocorrelations from single pure-state propagation
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 30 - April 4, 2014
Thermalization in isolated spin chains vs. transport
Mini-Workshop of DFG Research Unit FOR 912, Munich, July 11, 2013
Scale-resolved dynamics in spin-chain materials
Physics Department, University of Osnabrück, June 25, 2013
Anomalous transport and thermalization in Heisenberg spin chains
Spring meeting of the APS, Baltimore, March 18-22, 2013
Eigenstate thermalization in isolated spin-chain systems
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 10-15, 2013
Real-time dynamics in quantum magnets: Coherence and momentum dependence
Workshop "Spin-orbit and interaction effects in nano-electronics", Aachen, February 6, 2013
Eigenstate thermalization in isolated spin-chain systems
Jo˛ef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, January 24, 2013
Projection operator approach to spin diffusion in the anisotropic Heisenberg chain at high temperatures
Physics Department, University of Bielefeld, June 24, 2010
Density dynamics in the anisotropic Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain at high temperatures:
a current auto-correlation approach to finite time- and length-scales
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 22-26, 2010
Transport dynamics below the localization length in the 3D Anderson model
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 22-26, 2010
Diffusion in a finite non-isotropic Anderson model
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 22-26, 2010
Transport in the 3D Anderson model:
a comprehensive picture of the dynamics on scales below the localization length
Institute for Theoretical Physics, Technical University of Braunschweig, January 8, 2010
since 2014
Scaling of diffusion constants under integrability-breaking perturbations of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain in the easy-axis regime
Spring meeting of the APS, Anaheim, March 16-21, 2025
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
Spring meeting of the APS, Anaheim, March 16-21, 2025
Lindblad dynamics from spatio-temporal correlation functions in nonintegrable spin-1/2 chains with different boundary conditions
"PhD school on nonergodic quantum dynamics", Göttingen, September 23-27, 2024
Constructing nonequilibrium steady states from equilibrium correlation functions in generic nonintegrable systems
"12th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 10-14, 2023
Nontrivial damping of quantum many-body dynamics in the spin-1/2 XXZ chain
"12th nonequilibrium quantum workshop", Krvavec, December 10-14, 2023
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 26-31, 2023
Spatiotemporal dynamics of classical and quantum density profiles in low-dimensional spin systems
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 26-31, 2023
Probing real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles via a local coupling to a Lindblad bath
Spring meeting of the APS, Las Vegas, March 5-10, 2023
Spatiotemporal dynamics of classical and quantum density profiles in low-dimensional spin systems
Spring meeting of the APS, Las Vegas, March 5-10, 2023
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
canceled: Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 15-20, 2020
Density dynamics in the imbalanced Hubbard model
Workshop "Fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics and the emergence of thermodynamics in non-equilibrium systems", Delmenhorst, September 23-26, 2019
Classical and quantum dynamics in strongly interacting spin systems
Workshop "Fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics and the emergence of thermodynamics in non-equilibrium systems", Delmenhorst, September 23-26, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Workshop "Fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics and the emergence of thermodynamics in non-equilibrium systems", Delmenhorst, September 23-26, 2019
Combining dynamical quantum typicality and numerical linked cluster expansions
Workshop "Korrelationstage 2019", Dresden, September 16-20, 2019
Relaxation dynamics after the removal of a static force: Binary operators and impact of eigenstate thermalization
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 31 - April 5, 2019
Relaxation dynamics after the removal of a static force: Binary operators and impact of eigenstate thermalization
Spring meeting of the APS, Boston, March 4-8, 2019
Magnetization and energy dynamics in spin ladders: Evidence of diffusion in time, frequency, position, and momentum
Workshop "Nonequilibrium physics across boundaries", Rehovot, January 20-24, 2019
Impact of eigenstate thermalization on the route to equilibrium
Workshop "Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in many-body systems", Osnabrück, September 24-26, 2018
Dynamics of typical pure states in integrable quantum many-body systems
Workshop "Out-of-equilibrium dynamics in many-body systems", Osnabrück, September 24-26, 2018
Towards real-time dynamics of typical and untypical states in non-integrable systems
Workshop "Trends in quantum magnetism", Bad Honnef, June 4-8, 2018
Towards real-time dynamics of typical and untypical states in non-integrable systems
Spring meeting of the APS, L.A., March 5-9, 2018
Dynamics of typical pure states in integrable quantum many-body systems
Spring meeting of the APS, L.A., March 5-9, 2018
Towards real-time dynamics of typical and untypical states in non-integrable systems
Winter school of the research unit FOR 1807, Marburg, February 19-23, 2018
Real-time broadening of nonequilibrium density profiles and the role of the specific initial-state realization
Workshop "Big ideas in quantum matter", Nijmegen, September 14-15, 2017
Spin dynamics in classical XXZ chains with disorder
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 9-24, 2017
The 1D Anderson model revisited: Low-frequency behavior of the optical conductivity
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, March 9-24, 2017
Simulations for testing the validity of the Jarzynski relation for non-Gibbsian initial states in isolated quantum spin systems
Conference "STATPHYS", Lyon, July 18-22, 2016
Scaling of the optical conductivity in the transition from thermal to many-body localized phases
Spring meeting of the DPG, Regensburg, March 6-11, 2016
Approximate validity of the Jarzynski relation for non-Gibbsian initial states in isolated systems
NIC symposium, Jülich, February 11-12, 2016
Energy dynamics in the Heisenberg-Kitaev chain
Seminar and workshop "Quantum spin dynamics: From exotic excitations to novel transport and non-equilibrium phenomena", Dresden, September 1-12, 2014
Energy dynamics in the Heisenberg-Kitaev chain
NTH meeting "Nanoprobes for quantum phenomena", Braunschweig, 9. April 2014
Energy dynamics in the Heisenberg-Kitaev chain
Spring meeting of the DPG, Dresden, 30. March- 4. April 2014
Spin hydrodynamics of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
Conference "Coherence and Correlations at Different Scales", Ustron, September 13-18, 2012
Spin diffusion in the Heisenberg spin chain
LOTHERM Summer School 2012, Ljubljana, June 4-6, 2012
Spin hydrodynamics of the S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
LOTHERM Summer School 2012, Ljubljana, June 4-6, 2012
Spin transport in the XXZ chain at finite temperature and momentum
Spring meeting of the APS, Boston, February 27-March 2, 2012
Spin transport in the XXZ model at high temperatures:
Classical dynamics versus quantum S=1/2 autocorrelations
Spring meeting of the DPG, Berlin, March 25-30, 2012
My "hero rat" Magawa is awarded a golden medal.
My "hero rat" Magawa finds its first land mine.
My wife (and me), assuming that we would be in the year 1900 or so.
That's my "hero rat" Magawa, currently being educated for finding land mines.
(Still sleepy, apparently, but willing to learn... a true student.)
That's my "godchild", currently learning reading and writing.
(and, for sure, becoming a great physicist once.)
My favorite office.
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Symplectic integrators for classical Heisenberg systems
Mathematica 4.0 notebook (Zip archive)
(0.4 MB)
Decomposition of exponential operators
Mathematica 4.0 notebook (Zip archive)
(0.1 MB)
Lyapunov exponents of classical Heisenberg systems
Mathematica 4.0 notebook (Zip archive)
(0.3 MB)
The impressum you can find here.